I want to become self-employed. Can I withdraw my LPP pension? How will it affect my taxes?

Submitted by tanguy.nicole@bcv.ch on

A cash withdrawal is only possible if you are primarily self-employed and no longer subject to compulsory occupational pension insurance. You will be subject to a one-off tax at a reduced rate (in Vaud, one-fifth of the usual rate). The federal tax is also set at one-fifth of the usual rate. The pension fund is required to inform the Swiss Federal Tax Administration (FTA) that you have received this lump-sum payment. You must also inform your cantonal tax authority.  

Can I open multiple pension fund accounts and withdraw lump sums over several years to reduce my taxes?

Submitted by tanguy.nicole@bcv.ch on

In order to join a pension fund, you have to be employed. Now that the AVS 21 reform has been adopted, you have the right to withdraw part of your retirement benefits – the amount will be proportionate to the change in your employment rate if you decide to reduce it after turning 58. You can collect your pension in three lump-sum withdrawals.
If you are no longer employed, you can maintain your pension savings with up to two vested benefits accounts at two different institutions.