Can I withdraw the full amount of my occupational pension if I’m leaving Switzerland for good? If so, how do I let AVENA know?

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Your employer will inform us that your employment contract is ending. We will send you an addendum to the termination notice, which you can use to let us know that you will be leaving Switzerland for good. You will have to send us the necessary supporting documents, including a certificate of departure issued by the local resident registration office, proof that your work permit has been cancelled, and proof of residence issued by your new country of residence.

I want to become self-employed. Can I withdraw my LPP pension? How will it affect my taxes?

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A cash withdrawal is only possible if you are primarily self-employed and no longer subject to compulsory occupational pension insurance. You will be subject to a one-off tax at a reduced rate (in Vaud, one-fifth of the usual rate). The federal tax is also set at one-fifth of the usual rate. The pension fund is required to inform the Swiss Federal Tax Administration (FTA) that you have received this lump-sum payment. You must also inform your cantonal tax authority.  

Can I withdraw my retirement savings if I leave Switzerland permanently?

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If you leave Switzerland for an EU country (plus Iceland and Norway), you won’t be able to withdraw all of your vested termination benefits if the country you’re going to has a mandatory occupational pension system (such as France’s social security system). You will be able to withdraw only the supplementary portion of your benefits, that’s to say, the amount your employer contributed above the legal minimum. The amount that corresponds to the legal minimum under the LPP will have to be transferred to a vested benefits account or policy. That doesn’t mean you lose that money.