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Until you retire, you will continue contributing to your pension within the system of the country where you are residing. The amount of your AVS pension will be adjusted according to your contributions. Certain conditions apply to specific cases. 
In terms of your occupational pension, if you move abroad before retiring, your vested termination benefits can be reimbursed in cash. If you are moving to a country within the European Union or European Free Trade Association, only the supplementary benefit portion will be paid out to you. Your compulsory LPP benefits will only be reimbursed if you don’t have social security in your new country of residence.
You can withdraw your private pension savings (Pillar 3a) if you are leaving Switzerland for good; as for the savings you have made under an unrestricted pension plan (Pillar 3b), it will depend on the terms and conditions of the contract you have signed. 
After you retire, you will receive your AVS pension, regardless of where you are living. Your occupational pension will be paid out in Swiss francs even if you are living abroad.