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First of all, you need to make sure that your pension fund allows you to retire at 58, as AVENA does. If you do retire at 58, you will still need to make AVS payments until you reach the legal retirement age.
Your assets and your monthly pension multiplied by 20 will be used to calculate your old-age (AVS), disability (AI), and loss-of-income (APG) insurance payments. If you are married (regardless of how you and your spouse have decided to divide up your marital property), your and your spouse’s payments will be calculated based on half of your combined assets plus both your and your spouse’s monthly pensions.
For more details, go to the AVS website ( and see leaflet 2.03 (“Non-employed contributions to Old-Age and Survivors’ Insurance (OASI), Disability Insurance (DI) and Income Compensation Insurance (IC)”). You can also contact AVENA.